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Love conquers all and what officer Wagner is seeing is the fruit of his love toward those who need it most. I pray that the multitude see the benefit of such a project and jump on board to support him.

Kim Martin

Thanks John for a great article. Robert has a tremendous heart and I look forward to working with him on this project.

Ceno Scott

Great article. I am just proud to say that I know Robert! Great man that is after God's own heart!

Robert Wagner

I know that Officer Wagner will succeed in his good works. He will not give up until the job is done and complete. I happen to know him from his birth, you see, because Iam his Grandfather. Mountains are meant to be climbed and challnges are meant to be delt with.
Officer Bob will succeed with a little help from all concerned. GOD BLESS

Cj Mason

I haven't known Robert for long, but God's hand is clearly on him, his family, and this project. His desire to return the proceeds back to the community is a testament to his heart for our forgotten citizens. I can't wait to be part of this, and see the impact it's going to have!

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